In order to clustering data to reduce the noise, we can use the simple k-means clustering algorithm. The idea of k-means is quite simple. Here is the step of the k-means algorithm. 1. Randomly pick samples (depending on how many groups we want to cluster) as the references. 2. Compute the distance between each data point and references. 3. Comparing the distance to each reference, grouping the data points from the shortest distance. 4. Compute the centroid of each group as the new reference. 5. Repeat 2-4, until the centroids are the same with the previous result. Here is the Matlab code: ======================================= % An example for k-means clustering % % Renfong 2018/12/19 % % create test data % There are 3 types of sigal % 1-20, 36-70, 91-100 are the group 1 % 21-35 are group 2 % 71-90 are group 3 xx=0:1:1024; cen=[120, 360, 780]; amp=[100, 60, 55]; sig=[50, 10, 30]; % peak 1+3 for i=1:20 sp(i,:)=amp(1)*exp((-...
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