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This is a band-enhanced filter.
ref: Ondrej L. Krivanek et. al., Nature 464, 571-574


// Lattice enhanced filter
// Reference : Ondrej L. Krivanek et. al., Nature 464, 571-574
// Version 2
// The filter enhance the lattice feature without removing background.
// Set the weight factor in the background and high frequency region  = 1
// And the weight factor of the enhanced feature  = 3.5
// The first window will show the radial average of the FFT of the image
// enhanced feature (look for the peak) then key the value into the window
// 2021/03/15
// Renfong

// sub-function1 : radial average
// This script is retrived and  modified from 
image Rotational_Average(image img)
// Define neccessary parameters and constants
number xscale, yscale, xsize, ysize
number centerx, centery, halfMinor
number scale = img.ImageGetDimensionScale(0)
string unit = img.ImageGetDimensionUnitString(0)

// Likewise, declare intermediate images
image rotational_average, dst, line_projection
// If the source image is complex, take the modulus
if ( img.ImageIsDataTypeComplex( ))
img := modulus(img)

// Get the dimension sizes, and determine half the smallest dimension 
img.Get2dSize( xsize, ysize )
halfMinor = min( xsize, ysize )/2

// Find the centre of the image
centerx = xsize / 2
centery = ysize / 2

// Convert the image to polar co-ordinates...
dst := RealImage( "dst", 4, halfMinor, xsize )
dst = warp( img, icol*sin(irow*2*pi()/xsize) + \
centerx, icol*cos(irow*2*pi()/xsize) + centery )

// and create a line projection using the icol intrinsic variable, 
// normalising with the sampling density
line_projection := RealImage( "line projection", 4, halfMinor, 1 )
line_projection = 0
line_projection[icol,0] += dst
line_projection /= xsize
return line_projection

// sub-function2 : Gaussian blur
image GaussianBlur(image sourceimg, number standarddev)
if(standarddev<=0) return sourceimg
number xsize, ysize
getsize(sourceimg, xsize, ysize)

// Create the gaussian kernel using the same dimensions as the expanded image
image kernelimg:=realimage("",4,xsize,ysize)

// Carry out the convolution in Fourier space
compleximage fftkernelimg:=realFFT(kernelimg)
compleximage FFTSource:=realfft(sourceimg)
compleximage FFTProduct:=FFTSource*fftkernelimg.modulus().sqrt()
realimage invFFT:=realIFFT(FFTProduct)
return invFFT

// Main function
image LatticeEnhancedFilter(image img, number mu, number f0)
// LatticeEnhancedFilter(image img, number mu, number f0)
// img : input image
//  mu : lattice component (unit: pixel)
//  f0 : background region (unit: pixel)
// Set parameters
number sig=sqrt((mu-f0)**2/2.50553)
number sx, sy
// Creat mask
image filimg := img*0
// Set background region weight=1
number v0=(1/(sqrt(2*pi()*sig**2)))*exp(-0.5*((f0-mu)/sig)**2)
// smooth by Gaussian blur
image filimg2=GaussianBlur(filimg,f0/2)
image LP_filimg2=Rotational_Average(filimg2)
LP_filimg2.SetName("Mask Rotational Profile")
// LP_filimg2.showimage()

// Apply mask
image fft_mask_img=RealFFT(img)*filimg2
image mask_img=RealIFFT(fft_mask_img)
return mask_img

// main script
image img:=getfrontimage()
image fft_img=RealFFT(img)
number dp_sx, dp_sy
image LP1

//  Display the DP radial average

LP1.setname("radial average of DP")

// parameter input
number f0, mu
GetNumber("Select enhanced center",30,mu)
result("mu="+mu+", f0="+f0+"\n")
image LE_img=LatticeEnhancedFilter(img,mu,f0)

// copy calibration info
string str=img.GetName()
LE_img.setname(str+"Lattice-Enhanced Mask2")


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