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Simple Pushbuttons UI Template for dm-script

 // Pushbutton UI template


// 2021/04/21

// Renfong

class UI_Handler : object {

number true, false

number UIObjectID

void SetUIObjectID(object self, number id) {

UIObjectID = id


UI_Handler(object self) {

true = 1; false = 0

result("Obect \"UI_Handler\" ["+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"] constructed. \n")


~UI_Handler(object self) {

true = 1; false = 0

result("Obect\"UI_Handler\" ["+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"] deconstructed. \n")


void btn1response(object self) {

OKdialog("This is a template")



class MainUI : UIFrame {

TagGroup btn1

object UI_Handler

number true, false, ver

MainUI(object self){

true = 1; false = 0; ver=0.1;

UI_Handler = alloc(UI_Handler)

result("Obect \"MainUI\" ["+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"] constructed. \n")


~MainUI(object self){

result("Obect \"MainUI\" ["+self.ScriptObjectGetID()+"] deconstructed. \n")


void btn1response (object self) {



TagGroup ButtonGroup1(object self) {

TagGroup box_items

TagGroup box = DLGCreateBox("Group 1", box_items)



btn1 = DLGCreatePushButton("btn1 name", "btn1response")

DLGEnabled(btn1, 1)

DLGIdentifier(btn1, "btn1").DLGFill("X").DLGExternalPadding(0,-1)


return box


void CreateDialog(object self){

TagGroup position

position = DLGBuildPositionFromApplication()

position.TagGroupSetTagAsTagGroup("Width", DLGBuildAutoSize())

position.TagGroupSetTagAsTagGroup("Height", DLGBuildAutoSize())

position.TagGroupSetTagAsTagGroup("X", DLGBuildRelativePosition("Inside", 1))

position.TagGroupSetTagAsTagGroup("Y", DLGBuildRelativePosition("Inside", 1))

TagGroup dialog_items

TagGroup dialog = DLGCreateDialog("TemplateUI", dialog_items).DLGPosition(position)


object dialog_frame = self.init(dialog)









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