MLLS stands for multiple linear least squares fitting, which is the common strategy for the solving EELS edge overlapping and which is also built-in the GMS software. The target spectrum Y and the reference spectrum X Y = A * X Assuming Y is 1*256 matrix and we have three reference spectrums, ie, X is 3*256 matrix. So A is 1*3 matrix. The target is to solve A. If Y and X are n*n matrices, we can use the simple formula Y * inv(X) = A * X * inv(X), ie., A = Y * inv(X). However, Y and X are not n*n matrices, it is necessary to have some trick to solve it. We can multiply the transpose matrix to produce n*n matrix. Y * X' = A * X * X' (ps X' means the transpose matrix of X) so A = Y * X' * inv(X * X') Here is the Matlab code: ========= % create target spectrum x=0:256; c=[90,120,155]; sig=[5,10,8]; int=[5,10,8]; xn=zeros(size(x)); ref=zeros(length(c),length(x)); factor=rand(size(c))'; for i=1:length(c) xn=xn+int(i)*ex...
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